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Training Facilities

As well as offering our services throughout the UK and abroad, we also boast our own private and unique facilities at Vivian Quarry, North Wales.     


Vivian Quarry

Vivian Quarry is a disused Slate Quarry located in North Wales and a site that we have sole private access to for training. With its own confined training area and training platforms, it means that we can offer your entire course on site, meaning less travel, no time constraints and more time in the water. Something that we know is an important factor of your professional training to ensure that it is as stress free and focused as possible.

On site facilities

Not only is everything that we require for in water training on site, but so are all of the other logistical requirements such as compressor and cafe. The area is also local to many B&B's, hotels and campsites for you to stay. 

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